THE.MO.S. SA is a Greek company founded in 2005 by important individuals in greek public works sector and, especially, in railway construction. The same year the company constructed a modern sleeper factory in Malandreni, near Argos, Greece. The construction was commissioned to the Italian company Plan Srl. Aided by the expertise of German company Leonhard Moll Betonwerke GmbH & Co KG, THE.MO.S. SA has produced up to now (January 2021):

  • 120.000 sleepers, TBS 1000 type, for metric line (Gauge 1000 mm). These sleepers are already placed in the railway net of Peloponnese.
  • 200.000 sleepers, B-70 type, for normal line (1435 mm gauge) for the railway in the rest of the country.
  • 16.000 B-93 (safety) sleepers, for normal line (1435 mm gauge) placed in the line between Kiato and Aegio

The production is taking place in a "carousel" system with early tensioning (pre-tensioning). The current capacity of the plant is 3.000 sleepers per week and can be extended up to 5.000 by increasing the number of curing chambers and the sleeper moulds.

In April 2009, the new turn-out sleeper plant was put into operation. This plant is housed in a new building and has a capacity of 160 metres of turn-out sleepers per day. It is a long-line type, and was commissioned to Leonhard Moll Betonwerke GmbH & Co KG, who are also providing the know-how. Besides turn-out sleepers, this plant can produce many other types of sleepers. The B-93 sleepers were produced in this line.

In 2017 a new unit to produce centrifugal concrete poles was installed within the turnoun sleeper plant, without impairing the capacity of latter to produce turnout sleepers. This unit, at the moment, is producing poles for the Greek Power Distribution Company, DEDDHE. However this unit can produce poles to various specifications by making new molds. Up today, the company produced and delivered to DEDDHE 12.000 spun poles of all types.

Strict quality control is applied in every phase of production. The applied ISO 9000 standard (certificate) prescribes the exact execution of all tasks in production, quality control, store and dispatch of the sleepers. There is a full traceability system by which the prodution conditions of each individual product can be traced even after many years.

For B70 sleepers, the company has a Certificate of Interoperability(in Greek).

The company has also CE certificate according to EN 12843:2004, to which the poles of DEDDHE comply.


THE.MO.S. sleepers delivered to Melissi, near Corinth, Greece(1.3 Mb)


THE.MO.S. SA,104 Kapodistriou St., 14235 Athens, Greece, Tel: (+30)210 2717720, Fax: (+30)210 2717723 TIN: EL999644322 EUID:006118601000 E-mail: Send